Winter Wedding

Weddings are some of my favorite events to attend; it’s so special to be invited to bear witness to exchanging vows between two people in love.

Photo Credit: Brandi Bhamani

This past January, I traveled to St. Petersburg, FL, for a friend’s wedding.

When I arrived in Florida, the sudden realization hit that I hadn’t packed appropriately; It was far colder than I had anticipated and there was a slight drizzle the day I landed.

Photo Credit: Brandi Bhamani

I know what you’re thinking, didn’t you check the weather before you packed?! Well, I did, but the Floridian in me remembered how fickle the weather can be, and I wrongly assumed that the cold weather would be limited to the evening followed by sunny, warm days.

Photo Credit: Brandi Bhamani

Not to be deterred, I located a Marshall’s about 15 minutes from the hotel, where I found a long, simple green dress. that fit light a glove; it was only $20! I popped into Target at the end of the shopping complex and picked up a lovely gold and cream wrap to dress up the outfit, and I was ready to go!

The wedding was held at the Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, with the ceremony in the garden courtyard. The bride was stunning, and the ceremony was out of a fairytale; it was a captivating experience

Photo Credit: Kassim Bhamani

The reception was wonderful, with dancing and food, and the family speeches were humorous and heartfelt. I spent the next few hours enjoying the romance of the evening. Things started to wind down as it approached midnight; there was a final send-off of the happy couple before we all disbanded for the evening. The walk back to my hotel was brief, and the cool air was refreshing after all the activity.

Photo Credit: Brandi Bhamani

The next morning I awoke to a beautiful, bright, blue sky with a slightly warmer breeze. I returned to the Executive Lounge and enjoyed a nice cup of tea while looking out onto the water. The Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront was a lovely hotel and definitely worth a stopover during my next stay in St. Pete.

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